Živcira vas Revit®? Pokušajte se opustiti s malo Revit® / BIM humora.
Napomena: Cijela poanta ove stranice je da se malo ispušemo, ne da uvrijedimo ili omalovažavamo nekoga ili nešto.
Ako vas samo jedan od memea nasmije, ispunili smo svoj cilj ovdje! 🙂
S vremenom ćemo dodavati još memea pa svakako provjerite tu i tamo za nove objave.
engipedia tim

Za sve “BIM Managere” koji ne znaju raditi niti u jednoj aplikaciji za modeliranje


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Toposurface – you know, that alien object in your Revit® model (April 2023, this joke is obsolete with Toposolid feature in Revit® 2024 yaay)

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Always remember, deleting a level in Revit® will delete everything associated with that level – without a warning!

At least you have the illusion of choice

Single copy / multiple copy – two totally different kinds of copying according to Revit®

Autodesk® Advanced Steal

C’mon Revit®, it’s just dumb 2D lines

Revit® is always testing your attention to pinned elements

When someone asks about Autodesk® Revit® Robot® interoperability feature

Creating Revit® filters is always fun

Typical Autodesk® meeting about Revit® legacy feature

When you need a workset, but the user is not available

Archicad user needing a new parametric object

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